Reasons for Alcohol Abuse: New York City Alcohol Abuse: New Poll Suggests Mayor Bloomberg Eyeing …
Reasons For Alcohol Abuse in the News
New York City Alcohol Abuse: New Poll Suggests Mayor Bloomberg Eyeing …
Filed under: reasons for alcohol abuse
The city told potential pollsters the survey would explore "behavior patterns around unhealthy alcohol consumption and awareness of existing alcohol-related laws and standards." The city's Health Department denied the poll was part of any initial steps …
Abuse and suicide
Filed under: reasons for alcohol abuse
Sir, – John Waters makes a very valid point when he asks “Do young men take their lives due to alcohol abuse or for reasons related to the reasons that cause them to drink abusively?” (Opinion, July 20th). Several studies have shown a strong link …
NHS needs support from local authorities to tackle alcohol problems
Filed under: reasons for alcohol abuse
The health select committee's report on the government's alcohol strategy rightly identified that the government should give more emphasis to the health impact of chronic alcohol misuse, which causes more than 6000 deaths and costs the NHS over £3bn a …
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