Alcohol Abuse: Demi Moore: In Need of Rehab? – the Hollywood Gossip
Alcohol Abuse: Demi Moore: In Need of Rehab? – The Hollywood Gossip
Demi Moore: In Need of Rehab?
The Hollywood Gossip Now, a new report – a new tabloid report, mind you – brings back up the rumor that Ashton and Demi may actually have been separated for real this summer, largely due to the latter's alcohol abuse. The following cover story arrives just a week after a … |
Alcohol Abuse – Google News
Alcohol Abuse: When the economy is down, alcohol consumption goes up – EurekAlert (press release)
When the economy is down, alcohol consumption goes up
EurekAlert (press release) Job loss means less money available for potentially unhealthy behaviors such as excessive drinking, according to existing literature on employment and alcohol consumption. A new study by health economist Michael T. French from the University of Miami … |
Alcohol Abuse – Google News
Alcohol Abuse: Screening children and teens for alcohol use – Boston Globe (blog)
Screening children and teens for alcohol use
Boston Globe (blog) The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in partnership with the academy and others, today released a new tool for doctors to make the conversation about alcohol, which can be a morally sticky one, simpler. … |
Related Alcohol Abuse Information…