Helping an Alcoholic Friend: Feds Vow to Review Court's Safe-Injection Site Ruling

Helping An Alcoholic Friend in the News

Helping An Alcoholic Friend: Feds vow to review court's safe-injection site ruling
Would anyone in their right mind give an alcoholic son or daughter a bottle of booze?Well this is what the Supreme Court of Canada has done,they are an absolute disgrace!Even reformed heroin addicts will tell you that these sites are a bad idea,but

Helping An Alcoholic Friend: Solutions for Everyday Overindulging
Folk remedies abound, but none have proven more effective than these symptom relievers: Drink plenty of fluids to counter the dehydrating effects of the ethanol in alcoholic beverages. Do this before going to sleep and you could avoid a hangover
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Helping An Alcoholic Friend: Matt Hardy Goes to WWE Rehab: A Message from One Addict to Another
And since I can make anonymous declarations without any personal repercussions, I would like to declare: I am an alcoholic and a drug addict. When I was 10 years old, I was introduced to alcohol. My best friend found it in his mother's liquor cabinet,
Read more on Bleacher Report

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