Frequent Facebook Users More Likely to Experiment With Drugs, Alcohol – US News and World Report

Alcohol Abuse: Frequent Facebook Users More Likely to Experiment With Drugs, Alcohol – US News and World Report
Teens who use social networking sites daily are up to five times more likely to smoke tobacco or marijuana or drink alcohol, according to a new study released Wednesday by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

Alcohol Abuse: Vacancy: A Battle With Drug Addiction

This is a poem that my brain conjured up not too long ago. Like it states in the video, it’s telling of my brother’s battle/addiction with drugs (as well as Self Injury). Most of the time it’s as if he’s not even here. He’s just a shell. Maybe one of you lovely souls will be able to relate. Just felt the need to share. “Vacancy” I don’t know what you are anymore; The monsters have kidnapped my blood. Devoured your strength, and encapsulated you with their poison. Who is it that dwells beneath your flesh? The thickness of your unrelenting vice chokes me; Its foul ways permeate my skin, Journey amongst my heavy organs, And taunt my already fragile spirit with its malevolence. The calloused fingers that once grazed the strings of your guitar, Now exist only to brand your flesh, And explore the body of your treasure Mary Jane. A sprightly mind once capable of producing humorous antics, Has now been swallowed by the numbing effects, Of the bittersweet beads that flood your system. Eyes vacant, spirit vanished. Where have you gone? I miss you. ON A SIDE NOTE: The thorny mask and the collagen-esque lips were created by moi. ;) Music composed by Brad J. Ranno.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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