Vodka: Nyet! Wine: Da! – Dr. Vino

Alcoholism: Vodka: nyet! Wine: da! – Dr. Vino

Vodka: nyet! Wine: da!
Dr. Vino
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev came out with a counterintuitive approach to fighting alcoholism in his country: drink wine. During a recent visit to Krasnodar, a leading wine region, he said: “Wine making is one of the sectors that should be

Alcoholism – Google News

Alcoholism: Dating and Telling Someone You’re A Recovering Alcoholic

I’m a recovering alcoholic. When asked out for a date, many want to go for drinks. Thoughts on if or how to tell someone you’re a recovering alcoholic. Watch. Read Mental Health for the Digital Generation vlog on America’s Mental Health Channel

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