Home Remedies for Obesity

Home Remedies for Obesity

Obesity or corpulence is a condition of the body characterized by over-accumulation of fat under the skin and around certain of the internal organs. In Ayurveda, obesity is known as Medo Roga. It is simply defined as the condition in which excessive amount of fat is accumulated in the body.

Cause of Obesity:

It may be due to the disturbances of some of the endocrine glands, like the thyroid, pituitary and sex glands. In some families obesity is transmitted from one generation to the other, but in most cases it is the direct result of a life of ease and over-eating. A luxurious inactive or sedentary life is a well-recognized predisposing cause. The more immediate cause is over feeding and excess of liquor. The indulgence is food beyond what is required to repair the daily waste goes towards the increase of fat. Those addicted to liquor are particularly affected if they eat a normal diet since what is not generally realized is that alcohol meets the immediate energy needs of the body and the food that is eaten is deposited in the form of fat. Particularly guilty in this respect is to intake of fatty, sugary and starchy foods. Alcoholic liquors, particularly beer, contain sugar and contribute to the deposition of fat on the body. Women are more prone to obesity, particularly after childbirth. In our country, this is especially true because the new mother is fed on fatty and starchy foods under the impression that the blood loss attendant on delivery must be made up by extra rich diet.

Obesity Relief:

– Honey when taken with lime juice with hot water empty stomach is very effective in   reducing the weight.

– Consuming tomato is also another good remedy to reduce the weight.

– Triphala is another herbal combination that is very effective in reducing the fat content in the body.

– Consuming cabbage is also very helpful in reducing weight. Whenever you eat food cabbage should definitely be included in diet.

– Two spoon of freshly derived lime juice in warm water is also a good remedy to decrease the weight.

– Consuming lemon tea is also a good method to reduce weight.

– Exercise. A meal plan will favor burnings but you need to help your body. Any exercise you do will greatly improve your results, even if it’s just more walking each day.

– A hipbath for 15 to 20 minutes in the morning and evening along with the diet and the exercise recommended would speed up the process of losing fat.

– Guduchi is an indigenous Indian herb which is not very well-known out of India.

– The guggulsterone present in it is an alkaloid that has been found to be especially effective in heart ailments.

– Foods that are excessively rich in carbohydrates must be avoided.

– Bitter and pungent foods are found to be effective in the control of weight and also preventing the dangers of diabetes in obese people.

– Obese people must avoid preserved foods. The same applies to refrigerated drinks and cold foods.

– Among meats, avoid red meats as they have high fatty contents. While buying meats, ask for the lean cuts and get the fats trimmed from them before cooking.