Alcoholism: Why Rick Perry Should Worry About Equating Homosexuality to Alcoholism – Advocate

Alcoholism: Why Rick Perry Should Worry About Equating Homosexuality to Alcoholism – Advocate
Rick Perry’s comparison of homosexuality to alcoholism could hurt his campaign if a recent example from Colorado of a similar misstep is a harbinger of things to come. The aspiring Republican presidential nominee wrote in his 2008 book, On My Honor: Why …
Alcoholism – Bing News

Alcoholism: ‘Good wine’ is Medvedev choice – Deccan Herald
Vodka-addicted Russians should develop a taste for good wine to tackle rampant alcoholism, President Dmitry Medvedev believes. In a country where more than 23,000 people die of alcohol abuse every year and where vodka accounts for 70 per cent of alcohol …
Alcoholism – Bing News

Alcoholism: Open verdict on alcoholic’s death – Rugby Observer
The inquest heard how divorced Miss Macintyre had struggled with alcoholism since the age of 15. A post mortem could not establish the cause of death due to the length of time before she was found, but traces of three drugs including ibuprofen were found …
Alcoholism – Bing News

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