Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol and Anxiety a Risky Mix for Some – CNN

Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol and anxiety a risky mix for some – CNN
self-medicating with alcohol or drugs can increase the risk of alcoholism and other substance-abuse problems, without addressing the underlying anxiety. “People probably believe that self-medication works,” says James M. Bolton, M.D., the lead author of …
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

Alcohol Abuse: D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers –
A new report says that adults in Washington D.C. abuse alcohol more than anyone else in the country. According to a new study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 8.1 percent of adults age 26 or older in D.C. are alcohol dependent.
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

Alcohol Abuse: Caffeinated Alcohol Banned in Calif. –
Added stimulants mask the alcohol’s effect, which could lead to dangerous abuse. Sometimes referred to as “black out in a can,” the drinks typically clock in around 23.5 ounces, range from nine to 12 percent alcohol by volume and can contain up to …
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol, drugs factors in stadium fall –
An autopsy report released Monday says the amount of alcohol in Robert Seamans’ system was twice the … To mark a comment for review by a moderator, click “Report Abuse.”
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

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