Alcoholism: Study: Binge Drinking Temporarily Affects Learning, Memory – LSU the Reveille

Alcoholism: Study: Binge drinking temporarily affects learning, memory – LSU The Reveille

Study: Binge drinking temporarily affects learning, memory
LSU The Reveille
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration to 0.08 percent or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks and when women

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Alcoholism – Google News

Alcoholism: Heart disease, alcohol cause most deaths in county – Mille Lacs County Times (blog)

Heart disease, alcohol cause most deaths in county
Mille Lacs County Times (blog)
Heart disease and chronic alcoholism are the two leading causes of death in today's world. Those words came from Dr. A. Quinn Strobl, medical examiner for Mille Lacs County, during her annual report to Mille Lacs County commissioners at

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Alcoholism – Google News

Alcoholism: Q&A: The Author of Unwasted Talks About Socializing Sober – TIME

Q&A: The Author of <i>Unwasted</i> Talks About Socializing Sober
I really want to demystify alcoholism, and I don't think it should be anything I'm ashamed of. Q: Did you know when you quit that it was going to stick? A: I had tried to control my drinking before, but I had never said I'm not going to drink ever

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Alcoholism – Google News

Alcoholism: Alcoholism rampant in Ratnapura District – Daily Mirror

Alcoholism rampant in Ratnapura District
Daily Mirror
The need for concerted action to stem the high liquor consumption in some villages in the Rathnapura District which appear to be the grasp of alcoholism was stressed by the political authorities at the Ratnapura Coordinating Committee meeting held on

Alcoholism – Google News

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