Alcohol Abuse: Women Should Be Screened for Alcohol Abuse at Least Annually – Doctors Lounge

Alcohol Abuse: Women Should Be Screened for Alcohol Abuse at Least Annually – Doctors Lounge

Women Should Be Screened for Alcohol Abuse at Least Annually
Doctors Lounge
All women should be screened for alcohol use at least annually, and during the first trimester of pregnancy. Brief interventions and motivational interviewing is suggested for women who are not physically addicted to alcohol. Pregnant women or those at

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Alcohol Abuse – Google News

Alcohol Abuse: DRINKiQ discourages alcohol abuse in Otjinene – Informante

DRINKiQ discourages alcohol abuse in Otjinene
Kangootui applauded the effort by NBL saying “I think this is a very good initiative from NBL to equip young adults to become responsible drinkers as this is much needed to minimize the alcohol abuse in Otjinene”. DRINKiQ is a training programme

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Alcohol Abuse – Google News

Alcohol Abuse: Returning Veterans’ Alcohol Abuse Addressed in Virtual Reality Study – Newswise (press release)

Returning Veterans' Alcohol Abuse Addressed in Virtual Reality Study
Newswise (press release)
A recent report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) indicated alcohol abuse is dangerously high among returning veterans, increasing their vulnerability to other abuses, such as illicit drugs or behaviors such as drinking and driving.

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Alcohol Abuse – Google News

Alcohol Abuse: What will it take to change SA’s culture of hard drinking? – Mail & Guardian Online

What will it take to change SA's culture of hard drinking?
Mail & Guardian Online
He added that alcohol abuse was the problem, rather than responsible drinking. Radio listeners and the audience urged South Africans to take responsibility for their drinking, saying consumers needed to make their own choices rather than being limited

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Alcohol Abuse – Google News

Alcohol Abuse: Hitler Reviews Perth Liquor License Applications

Hitler Reviews Perth Liquor License Applications. Please visit to join in the discussion. PS, it appears that youtube does not understand that parody is fair use of a video, so it looks like ads will need to be shown. I do not receive any money from these adverts. It does not appear that I can remove them.

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