Army Tests Confidential Alcohol Abuse Program

Alcohol Abuse: Army Tests Confidential Alcohol Abuse Program
Research shows that many soldiers are reluctant to seek help for problem drinking because it involves notifying unit command. Confidentiality is at the heart of a pilot program designed to get soldiers into treatment before they have an alcohol-related incident.
Alcohol Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Alcohol Abuse: Search for navy death inquiry witnesses
DRUG and alcohol abuse has been a problem at a Victorian naval training base for years, a commission of inquiry was told.
Alcohol Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Alcohol Abuse: Intervention S09-E09 Ryan & Jason – Alcohol abuse and Heroin 02/03

Website: When Jason’s mother and stepfather had twins, Jason felt abandoned. He dropped out of school and turned to drugs. Now he lives with his grandmother in a retirement community and takes up to 30 mg of Xanax and shoots heroin up to five times a day. After an overdose, Jason had multiple hospitalizations and four grand mal seizures. Worn out from the drama, his family is frustrated with their inability to get Jason to stop using drugs and into treatment. A chef for 15 years, Ryan dreams of running a kitchen in a four-star restaurant. But alcoholism stands in his way. Ryan always felt like the black sheep of the family compared to his successful, police officer brother. His mother supplies him with alcohol so that he doesn’t go into withdrawal. But now the family feels that “it’s not if we lose him, but when.”
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