Alcohol Abuse: Study: Porter County Students at High Risk for Drug and Alcohol Use – Chesterton Tribune

Alcohol Abuse: Study: Porter County students at high risk for drug and alcohol use – Chesterton Tribune

Study: Porter County students at high risk for drug and alcohol use
Chesterton Tribune
“In helping to understand why youth may or may not become involved in problem behaviors in adolescence and beyond, studies have identified various risk factors that can predict alcohol and drug use and other risky behaviors,” the profile's executive

Alcohol Abuse – Google News

Alcohol Abuse: Drug Use May Play Role in 25% of Driver Deaths, Study Finds – U.S. News & World Report

USA Today

Drug Use May Play Role in 25% of Driver Deaths, Study Finds
U.S. News & World Report
"Alcohol is still the largest contributor to fatal crashes," study lead author Eduardo Romano said in the news release. "Don't drink or don't consume drugs when you're going to drive," Romano added. The US National Institute on Drug Abuse has more
Drug use involved in 25% of fatal crashes, study findsUSA Today
25% of Drivers Killed in Crashes Test Positive for Drugs, Study FindsFairWarning

all 42 news articles »

Alcohol Abuse – Google News

Alcohol Abuse: Exhibition raises awareness about drug, alcohol abuse – Gulf Times

Gozo News

Exhibition raises awareness about drug, alcohol abuse
Gulf Times
The Permanent Committee for Drug and Alcohol Affairs (PCDAA) has set up an exhibition at the Villaggio Mall to raise awareness about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, bringing together 16 government departments and social institutions.
Alcoholism, drug addiction destructive to human societyMorungExpress
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit TraffickingMalta Independent Online
Concerted action needed to fight drug abuse, says officialPeninsula On-line
Bernews –Deccan Herald
all 9 news articles »

Alcohol Abuse – Google News

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