Alcoholism Problem: Can an Addict Still Be a Good Mom?

Alcoholism Problem: Can an Addict still be a Good Mom?

When Jennifer first started her group for moms she found that mom’s are unlikely to come to her for help. Addiction is a disease of denial and fear. Jennifer educates these women to understand that just because you’re an addict or alcoholic, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom and you don’t love your children. No one would choose to be an addict, but at some point they lose the choice of addiction. The physical and psychological impact of addiction makes it impossible for them to make rational decisions. A key component in recovery is accepting responsibility for behavior and making amends. She recently wrote an article about mom’s getting together for “play dates” for their children. However, it really was an excuse for them to get together and get drunk. It is easy to point the finger at one poor sick woman, like Diane Schuler, but how often do we look at ourselves and get behind the wheel with our kids after drinking. No matter how much you had to drink your response time is diminished. Most importantly it is showing your kids what you do to relax and socialize. She hopes to teach moms other healthy ways of connecting and self soothing besides drinking. Very young children see the way we self soothe and ultimately that is what they are going to do. As a parent you are your child’s biggest teacher, and what they see you do your child will likely follow. Jennifer Ginsberg, MSW, Addiction Counselor. She provides group meetings in a safe and confidential environment for those
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