Alcohol Abuse: Adolescent Substance Abuse and Early Adult Alcoholism Show Gender Differences – Med India

Alcohol Abuse: Adolescent Substance Abuse and Early Adult Alcoholism Show Gender Differences – Med India
Researchers of the University of Helsinki and University of Jyväskylä, Finland says that clinically ascertained reports suggest that boys and girls with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may differ from each other in their vulnerability to …
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

Alcohol Abuse: Drugs drive most criminals: DGP – Times of India
One out of four families in the state are alcoholic. Three out of 100 people are addicted … to conduct programmes on June 26 to observe International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. “We have started health clubs in government, aided …
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

Alcohol Abuse: Merchants Roundtable Focused On Keeping Young People From Buying Cigarettes, Alcohol – The State Journal
“So it does happen. It does occur.” The drug and alcohol abuse prevention experts suggest to merchants that having a clearly posted policy can protect them from tirades about being unfair. They say once they post their policy, they can enforce it across the board.
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

Alcohol Abuse: Stafford bishop accuses government over alcohol abuse – BBC
The Bishop of Stafford has criticised the government for “doing little” to prevent alcohol abuse. The Rt Rev Geoff Annas has described alcohol misuse as “one of the major sins of our time”. Writing in a pastoral letter, published in parish magazines across …
Alcohol Abuse – Bing News

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