@ Church 11th Anniversary Myth: Young people rarely think about suicide. Reality: Teens and suicide are more closely linked than adults might expect. In a survey of 15000 grade 7 to 12 students in British Columbia, 34% knew of someone who had attempted or died by suicide; 16% had seriously considered suicide; 14% had made a suicide plan; 7% had made an attempt and 2% had required medical attention due to an attempt. Myth: Talking about suicide will give a young person the idea, or permission, to consider suicide as a solution to their problems. Reality: Talking calmly about suicide, without showing fear or making judgments, can bring relief to someone who is feeling terribly isolated. A willingness to listen shows sincere concern; encouraging someone to speak about their suicidal feelings can reduce the risk of an attempt. Abortion now most common outcome In the past, more teenage pregnancies ended in a live birth than in an abortion. However, in 1997, with the decline in live births to teens, abortion became the most common outcome of teenage pregnancy (Chart 3). This had been the case for younger teens in most years since 1993.