Easy Addiction – Official Trailer.wmv

San Pedro College Bachelor of Science in Nursing students present a trailer about a seminar on smoking, alcoholism, and drug abuse.

Late in the day on April 29, 2011 I located the Western Arctic NDP candidate, Dennis Bevington, at a roadside rally in Yellowknife. Lucky for me he was able to take a few minutes for a quick interview before he had to catch an airplane heading for Fort Smith for more campaign events. Because time was limited I was only able to ask a few questions but Mr. Bevington did respond to how his party would deal with the the high cost of living in the north, infrastructure development, the high rates of alcoholism and drug abuse and sustainable development in the NWT. Checkout my video and photos below. Copyright (c) Shane Keller, www.LifeintheKnife.com. All rights reserved.
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