How Does Alcohol Rehab Work?
How Does Alcohol Rehab Work?
Alcohol rehab requires commitment from those who are dependent on alcohol and they will be helped and supported to stop drinking by qualified and dedicated staff. Choosing the right alcohol rehab centre and programme is very important and doing so increases the chances of successfully stopping drinking.
Various alcohol rehab treatments are available, depending on the level and length of your addiction, different centres’ approaches and, to an extent, your own personal preferences. The first step when you contact an alcohol rehab clinic or are referred by your GP is for your situation to be assessed.
During your first triage assessment, an addiction professional will assess the level of your addiction and the type of care that will be most appropriate for you. It’s also a chance for you to assess the facilities and decide whether the centre feels right for you. You’ll also be assessed on your drinking patterns and your overall health. After your assessment alcohol rehab staff will prepare a personalised diagnostic report for you, detailing your current position and the treatment required.
Treatment you may be prescribed includes preventative treatment if you’re concerned that your regular drinking could be on the verge of becoming problematic. Treatment in this area will help you understand how close you are to alcohol dependency and how you can avert this. You’ll be encouraged to think about why you drink and what your triggers are. You’ll be introduced to techniques to help you stop drinking too much.
Alcohol detox treatment is also available if dependency is more advanced. It’s important that detox is managed or it can be dangerous. An alcohol rehab clinic is the safest place to detox. Medication is prescribed to minimise the negative side-effects of detox and round-the-clock supervision and monitoring is provided. Complementary therapies are sometimes used too. In some scenarios accelerated alcohol detox programmes are available, where faster results can be achieved.
Rehabilitation helps individuals stop relying on alcohol to function in day-to-day life. It’s about learning to live an alcohol-free life, change your relationship with alcohol and preparing for potential relapses.
Aftercare is also an important part of alcohol rehab. It will provide support at times when you feel vulnerable and help you avoid relapsing into drinking alcohol again. You will learn specific tactics and techniques to control drinking and undergo training to help you cope with situations which may prompt you to drink again.
Wellington Lodge is an established not-for-profit specialist alcohol rehab provider. We offer triage, screening and rehabilitation at our comfortable in-patient facility at Wellington Lodge in North London. We also offer out-patient facilities at specialist clinics in Harley Street, London or at Queens Square in Bath, Somerset.
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