Q&A: Would I Get an a on This Report?

Question by Miiranda: Would I get an A on this report?
I’m 13 years old, and we had to write a report on how people could stop & why they should stop, we could also choose to speak from experience etc. We had to gather some fact from the internet, anyway would i get an A on this????

You can buy these nicotine patches, you simply put them on your arm and then they release nicotine in to your blood and suddenly you wont crave any cigarettes (nicotine)
Or you could try drinking plenty of green tea. It helped my uncle. He also started to replace it with food, but that usually happens when you try to break an addiction. You’re addicted because your brain releases endorphins every time that you smoke. It’s like any other abuse such as “cutting, eating disorders, alcohol abuse” they ALL release fake-endorphins. Instead, you could try to do something else that releases endorphins. Such as exercise, listening to calming music, eating a piece of chocolate or two, masturbating, sexual intercourse, eating spicy food, spend some time in the sun. Also, you could try some nicotine gum. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

A) Do you smoke? – No, smoking is bad and addictive!
B) Have you tried smoking? – No, because there’s a chance I could get addicted.
C) Do you know anybody that smokes and is underage? – No

I’m from Sweden, so please correct my english if anything is spelled incorrectly!! i need to get an A on this lol
Okay, thanks so much : D

Best answer:

Answer by Aqpwod
I would say no. To me, this is more of a C+ to B work.
Explain what green tea and nicotine gum does, they’re affects. Most of the items you are talking about must have a clearer and stronger explanation. I can tell you that if I were a druggie, you’re report wouldnt do much to make me quit
Take out the masturbation and sex part too.

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