Freedom of Speech and the Beer Ban on TV

Freedom of Speech and the Beer Ban on TV

So, there is speech to produce a good effect. But, there is speech in advertising that is not. It is comedy used to disguise the fatal lure of the beer/alcohol industry into the homes of the USA. It is silly, half-witted, brainless, scatter-brained. These are alcoholic ads that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) links to influencing deaths on the highway. It has become the mind-set, at its worst, of not producing ads for product to benefit this country, but for economic gain over the dead bodies of American citizens.

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12. This is the result of the matter for free speech arguments for beer/alcohol ads. It has lead to an epidemic of deaths. It also leads to crime, in fact, ask any inmate in prison what they were drinking when they did the crime, it sure wasn’t lemonade! It has led to a plethora of other ills that plague our nation, lowered our morals, and as we have seen, sex expoitation of young women, a detriment to our civilazation.

When the Bill Of Rights were passed in the Congress, broadcasting to the masses was done from the printing press, pulpit, lecturn, and podium. But, little did anyone envision a time when over 150,000 million people would watch a single sporting event at the same time such as the Super Bowl, and another 750,000 million watch overseas. Then see an avalance of beer/alcohol ads that would cause young people to make records in alcohol consumption, and include under-age youth at early ages.

Toddlers see the ads before they can discern right  from wrong. The Center on Alcohol Advertising(ACAA) found kids liklier to recognize the (Budweiser) frogs than Bugs Bunny or the Power Rangers. 1

Sadly, this happpens that alcohol ads make it appear that “community” is the result of buying their product. They sell this. Advertisers paint pictures on the screens of social acceptance, when its a fatal lure to death to youth. And Congress should recognize this and pass enough laws to take it off the air. As it stands in 2011 the #1 killer of  youth in the USA is alcohol-impaired auto accidents, and is much more than our Europen counterparts.


Henry J. Brown is a retired Security Consultant, living in the Orlando, Florida area.

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