What Do You Think of This GIRL???!!!?

Question by Katherine R: What do you think of this GIRL???!!!?
alright so there is this guy i work with. He’s had a really rough life….he’s 20 yrs old and he sells drugs, has been to jail, is an alcoholic, weed head, has OCD, was raised in foster homes, and is currently adopted….BUT he is really sexy & good-looking with a good heart.

BUT one day one of the girls (just turned 17 yrs old) who works night shift came in during the day. He basically thought she was sooo attractive. He told her to her face that he thought she “was sexy & should come to is place”.
The girl said “ummm i can’t today, i have a project” & then 2 days after they met they were “in a relationship”….Also, 1 wk later he broke up with her and slept with some other girl. So she actually called his phone & talked him into getting back with her….

I know this girl is young & all but is it me or this chick is really easy & has bad judgment????
What do you think??

Best answer:

Answer by scott b
this chick is really easy & has bad judgment

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