Don’t You Think This Is Absurd?

Question by Brr: Don’t you think this is absurd?
+ You see an alcoholic person and say: “you’re alcoholic, you need to stop drinking” –> you’re a good person.
+ You see an skinny person and say: “you’re anorexic, you need to eat more”–> you’re a good person.
+ You see an obese person and say: “you’re fat, you need to eat less” –> you’re stupid, rude and unsympathetic. You must know that we have thyroid problems, we have slow metabolism, we have… we have….. You’re suppose to say “you are perfectly fine the way you are now, it’s the inside that matters”. We don’t need your opinion….

Isn’t that being alcoholic has genetic predisposition as well? Should we say alcoholic people that they are perfectly fine the way they are and only their inside matters, their drinking habit means nothing?

Best answer:

Answer by Tybee
1. Nobody needs to drink.
2. Thin is admired in this culture so pointing out thinness is not rude.
3. Even obese people need to eat so it extremely difficult to come to grips with that. Also, obesity is considered by society a moral failing and so pointing it out is considered rude. You’re not supposed to encourage the obesity, but pointing it out is hurtful. Don’t worry, obese people know they are obese.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!