I Lost My Singing Voice Forever After a Bad Combination of Alcohol and Trying to Hit High Notes.?

Question by Bernardo M: I lost my singing voice forever after a bad combination of alcohol and trying to hit high notes.?
It happend about four years ago, and it ruined my voice forever. I had a glass of scotch with me, and I was trying to sing songs beyond my vocal range for hours. In the next day, I woke up with I mild swallowing pain. Seemed that something was obstructing my throat. My speaking voice was completely normal, but the quality of my singing voice was clearly affected. I thought that it was something temporary, but I was so wrong.

About six months later and tired of waiting, I decided to see a doctor. I was pretty sure I had a polip or something else treatable. But, after performing a stroboscopy, the doctor told me that my vocal cords were normal and he couldn’t help me.

Recently I decided to try again with another doctor. This time I explained everything really carefully. I told her about the vocal abuse and the throat symptoms that ocurred on the following day. Also I explained that my head voice had losen volume and become really unstable, treambling a lot and falling apart in my chest voice all the time. She decided to perform the stroboscopy again, but couldn’t find any lesions. She concluded that I probably hurt a muscle inside my laringx, but there is no way to be sure.

I guess I don’t have to explain how devastating this is. But I still have a slightly hope that my voice will recover by itself. If you had experinced something similar or are currently facing the same problem, please send me a messege. My e-mail is [email protected], use “vocal problem” as subject.

Yours trully,


Best answer:

Answer by Renee
I guess you’ve tried this by now, but have you tried just a crazy amount of vocal rest? No singing, no speaking (NO SPEAKING!), no whispering, no humming, nothing. Write everything down. 3 days is usually a magic number for regular stuff, but if I were you, and if nothing has worked, I’d try 6 months. Seriously.

And did you go to an ENT, specifically? Have you gone to a major research hospital, like UCLA or Johns Hopkins? No offense to doctors, but of course there are different qualities of doc.

Did anyone suggest steroids to relieve inflammation? It seems like your doctors haven’t given you all of the options.

Anyway, good luck.

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