Sunstroke Homeopathic Approach

Sunstroke Homeopathic Approach

Sunstroke (Heat Stroke)


It is an acute, life-threatening condition in which the body’s heat-regulating system fails, due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures, excessive production of heat or commonly a combination of the two.

Causes of Sun Stroke:

1.Sunstroke usually occurs after exposure to high temperatures, for example from working in an extremely hot environment, especially one to which you are unused.

2.Exercising too strenuously, particularly in summer

3.when you have a high fever associated with illness.

4.Humid weather also renders the cooling mechanism of sweating less effective; Overdressing


6.drinking too much alcohol can be contributing factors.

7.The primary cause of symptoms is loss of sodium and chloride (which make up salt), rather than the amount of water.

Risk Factors:

-Young children

-Elderly people

People with certain chronic conditions such as:

-Arteriosclerosis and congestive heart failure

-Diabetes mellitus


Symptoms and signs of sunstroke:

1.Hot, dry skin

2.No sweating (usually)

3.Skin is first flushed, then pale or purple

4.Hyperventilation (rapid, shallow breathing)

5.Rapid, bounding pulse (alternates between a higher intensity than normal, then disappears quickly)

6.Body temperature rises rapidly to 40C or higher


8.Muscle cramps

9.Dilated pupils

10.Lethargy or stupor (reactions become extremely slow and sluggish)


12.Loss of consciousness

Symptoms of heat exhaustion may include:

1.Weakness and fatigue

2.Tense or aching muscles

3.Nausea and vomiting

4.Pale, clammy skin

5.Weak, rapid pulse


7.Normal body temperature (usually)

8.Heat cramps

9.Heavy sweating

10.Dizziness or lightheadedness


12.Dark yellow or orange urine




1.Drink plenty of water whenever you spend a lot of time in the sun or a hot environment, and before, during and after exercise.

2.Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink, and drink more than you need to satisfy your thirst – particularly if you’ve been sweating.

3.Rest during the hottest part of the day.

4.Limit exposure to the sun.

5.Wear a hat or cap, preferably one with a wide brim, especially if working in the sun – the head is particularly sensitive to heat.

6.Wear light-coloured, loose-fitting, lightweight clothing in hot weather. Cotton is best, as it allows air to pass through and sweat to evaporate.

7.Open windows, or use a fan to improve indoor air circulation.

8.Eat light, small meals, and limit alcohol intake in hot weather.

9.Avoid alcohol before, during, and immediately after exercise. Alcohol causes you to lose more fluid than you consume.

10.Limit vigorous activity during hot or humid weather, especially during the middle of the day.

11. Taking Lime water with salt and sugar will help like an Oral Rehydration Solution.

12. Wearing Cotton clothes is best as it will absorb the sweat and prevents the Skin rash caused by excessive sweating

Homoeopathic Approach:


-Pale skin,fixed eyes white tongue

-Full round bounding pulse

-Laboured breathing

-Cerebral vomiting,sinking at the pit of the stomach

-Temperature is too high


-Drowsiness ,loss of consciousness

-Whizzing in the ears

-Constriction of the chest


-Cerebral congestion, delirium

-Throbbing headache

-High temperature ,tendency to coma

Natrum Carbonicum:

-Headaches which return every summer

-Suitable to very nervous people and very excitable people

-Debility in the sun

Steven Guptha, Faculty for Online Medical coding Training and Medical Billing Training

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