Q&A: Why Did He Lie About This?

Question by Mizz B: Why did he lie about this?
My friend’s family and I all play “Nightclub City” on Facebook. Her mom and dad play it most, though. Back in July, her dad started sending me “drinks” on there. In mid-August, he began sending me “winks” too. This was back before you got energy for sending people things on the game. At one point, he sent me probably 23 “winks” and “drinks”. I send them back, just for the hell of it. A few months ago, his wife (my friend’s mom) was sitting there while he was checking his NCC. I’m not sure if she asked him about it, but I pretended not to listen, when he told her that I send them to him, so he just sends them back. He also said I was trying to make him an “alcoholic” (I think he was joking though). He stopped sending them after a while and last time he sent me “winks” and “drinks” was last time I was over there, which was early December and his wife wasn’t paying attention.

Why would he lie to her and tell her I send them to him, when he is the one who started sending them to me and sent a bunch of them to me? I know it’s a dumb thing to wonder about, but still. Oh, I’m almost 20 so I’m not a teen or anything.

Best answer:

Answer by The Fat Man
He was messing with your tiny little mind.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!