At What Point Is It Considered “Major Depression”? Do I Need Medication or Something, or Will This Subside?

Question by strokesfanatic: At what point is it considered “major depression”? Do I need medication or something, or will this subside?
Since thanksgiving I’ve felt very empty, hollow, and joyless, and I’ve been experiencing most of the telltale signs of depression, change in appetite, abnormal sleep patterns, excessive crying, discouragement, loss of joy in activities that once brought joy, etc.
It all stems from a late november conversation, I finally told this girl who is a really close friend of mine that I didn’t want to make our friendship awkward but I was in love with her. Well she said she loved me too-like a brother…unfortunately it has been awkward-we’re barely speaking. We were very close so that hurt, but I expected to get over it after a little intense grieving that she didn’t share my feelings. I have confided what happened to close friends.
I have forced myself to get back out their socially. I have put my mind into, work;music;anything, but it always makes me somber. Is this a normal amount of time to be saddened? When will it get better? Or do I need some medical help?

Best answer:

Answer by san
atleast 6 months of loss of interest, insomonia, decreased libido.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!