Why Do Some People Call Alcoholism a Disease?

Question by john: Why do some people call alcoholism a disease?
If you have Aids and you stop having sex, Aids will still be in your system. If you are an alcoholic and you stop drinking, alcohol will no longer be in your system.

Besides that, most diseases have medication to treat the disease. What do you do to treat alcoholism, take medication? No, you stop drinking, that’s how.

A word that is commonly found in the definition of disease is “involuntary”. But when you drink alcohol, that is voluntary, not involuntary!

I also believe that many alcoholics will say that they have a disease because that takes some of the responsibility off them so they don’t have to be responsible for their actions.

What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by ohyes_x_killa
I definately agree. My mom’s boyfriend is an alcoholic and my mother always tells me “he cant help it, it is a disease” which i think is complete bullsh!t. people just dont want to take the responsibility for their problem. they want to feel like they HAVE to keep drinking. but there are PLENTY of facilities where a person can go to get rid of the “disease.”

Alcoholics will put the blame (for many things) on other people a lot.

There is a south park episode that deals with this and it’s really funny, by the way. lol

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