Will a Natural ADHD Remedy Work for Your Child?

Will a Natural ADHD Remedy Work For Your Child?

If you’re looking for a natural ADHD remedy, then you may be wondering how effective they really are. In this article, you’ll learn what to look for in a good supplement and how effective they are when compared with prescription drugs.

Before we discuss what to look for in a natural ADHD treatment, let’s talk about prescription drugs, so you can more fully understand their pros and cons. Probably the biggest benefit of prescription medicines is that they seem to work quickly. While it may take a couple of weeks for a natural remedy to build up enough in a child’s system in order for parents to see a reduction in symptoms, parents may see changes in behavior with drugs right away or in some cases, in a week or so. The question you have to ask yourself is: is fast necessarily better? We all know that quick fixes can have serious implications long term, which is why many parents are beginning to question the practice of giving drugs to children.

It’s important to understand that while drugs work for some kids, they make other kids worse. It’s interesting that a drug that treats hyperactivity can also make it worse. Common side effects of prescription drugs include restlessness, agitation, stomach problems, heart issues, psychosis and even sudden death (in a recent study, Ritalin has been linked to sudden death in children.) Also, although drug companies would have you believe otherwise, drugs do not cure Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but only suppress the symptoms which is why your child needs to keep taking them. Couple the side effects with the long term effects on a developing brain and you can have a recipe for parental worries and concerns. This is why so many parents are trying to find a good natural ADHD remedy.

By contrast, a natural supplement will actually give your child’s brain the nutrients it needs to function properly. A supplement that is all natural will not interact negatively with other medicines your child needs to take. Of course, it’s also a huge relief to know that these remedies have no side effects or implications for long term use. Since they work by giving the brain important nutrients, your child will eventually no longer need to take them. As mentioned earlier, the only drawback of a natural ADHD remedy is that it may take a bit longer for them to build up in the system, so you begin to see changes in behavior.

Now that you see the benefits, you need to pick a good supplement. Look for a product that has been FDA-approved and contains clinically proven, herbal ingredients. Important herbs include Hyocyamus, Verta Alb, Arsen Iod and Tuberculinum. Also, look for a natural ADHD remedy from a company that offers a one-year, money-back guarantee. A company cannot afford to offer such a guarantee unless they know that their formulation is effective.  

Since supplements are even more effective when accompanied by good habits, make sure your child eats a healthy diet, drinks lots of water and gets daily exercise. Also, slowly eliminate habits that may worsen symptoms, like drinking soda or eating sugary, processed foods.

Laura Ramirez has done extensive research on effective ADHD treatments. To learn more, go to www.treating-adhd-naturally.com.

She is also the author of the award-winning parenting book, Keepers of the Children: Native American Wisdom and Parenting, which teaches parents how to raise children to develop their natural strengths.

Article from articlesbase.com

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