Tips on Choosing the Right Nanny

Tips on Choosing the Right Nanny

In today’s day and age of expensive living and competitive environment it is important for both the parents to be working. You get to see this scenario in most of the households. Rearing a child during these circumstances can be a hectic job. Hiring the right nanny can solve this problem for you. You will be spending as much time as you can afford, either towards the end of the day or the start of day, with your kids but during the rest of time you can be rest assured that they are well taken care of when you know that they are in caring hands of a nanny. Since this concerns your kids you should be highly careful while choosing a nanny. I have endeavored to highlight a few important tips you should be aware of while taking the decision on hiring a nanny.

Hire From A Renowned Agency

Making sure that you hire your nanny from the most well known and reputed nanny agency in your area will cut your job into half. The reputed nanny agencies usually take care of all the initial formalities involved in hiring a nanny. Starting from getting you a list of nannies to choose from to performing a through background check on the references and credentials of the nanny you choose, all this is taken care of by the agency itself. A background check is the most critical aspect of selecting the nanny. If there is any incident in the background which does not appeal to you it would be best to not hire her. Good nanny agencies perform a complete scrutiny, along with checking the police records, to ensure there are no glitches in the background of the person being selected as the nanny. A history of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, petty thefts are serious concerns for anyone hiring a nanny. Usually the nanny agencies perform all the background checks even before getting the nanny aboard their agency. You might have to pay a little extra to a renowned agency but the money you pay would guarantee you peace of mind.

Personally Interview The Nanny

It is important to conduct a personal interview of any nanny you are planning to hire. It makes sense to conduct the interview in the presence of your kids and any relative that you can get hold. If after the interview everyone feels positive about the nanny then its ok to hire the person, if there is any doubt or uneasiness in the minds of anyone then it is better not to hire the nanny. Human nature works on the basis of instinct, people have instinct to guide them when they are not completely sure of all the facts. Believe your instinct completely and also the instinct of your close ones before selecting the nanny. Some who has a great background record does not necessarily qualify as a good nanny. If your kids don’t feel any friendly vibes from the nanny during the interview make sure you reject the person. Kids surprisingly have a better instinct than adults when it comes to determining a truly friendly person. Give complete priority to your kid’s decision when it comes to a nanny.

Monitor the Nanny’s Performance

Like any good hirer it makes sense to monitor the performance of the new joined (into your family) for at least a period of a week. You can monitor the nanny performance on the basis of feedback given by your kids mainly; you can also get feedback from people who get to see the nanny’s behavior when you are not around like say your gardener, your cook, your maid or your neighbors. If the feedback stays negative over a week’s time you should consider replacing the nanny. Don’t come to any hasty conclusion unless it is a serious complaint; give the nanny at least a week before taking your decision. If there are any serious complaints against her by your kids and your nanny is not able to provide a convincing explanation for the same then consider firing her immediately.

From The Author

If you are looking for a good nanny agency do check out Nanny Poppinz. The number one agency when it comes to service and satisfaction. Feel free to reprint this article as long as all the links are maintained active.

Article by Roger Peter

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