How to Lead a Healthy Life With Schizophrenia

How To Lead A Healthy Life With Schizophrenia

Even if you are diagnosed with schizophrenia, there are still ways to lead a normal life. The secret to living a healthy life despite of this brain or mental disorder lies in a combination of factors: finding the right treatment or interventions, developing the right attitude, and staying consistent.

Living Life with Schizophrenia

The need to combat the symptoms of schizophrenia is very pressing given the average statistics of individuals diagnosed with this mental condition. According to health experts, around 2.5 million people are affected with schizophrenia. The good news is that 10 to 20 percent of that figure were able to enjoy full and successful recovery from their condition.

The results of a recent research study reveals though that those percentages can go up to 68 percent with the use of psycho-social therapy for patients of schizophrenia. There are even numerous successful personalities who excelled in their respective fields despite being previously diagnosed with schizophrenia. These personalities include author Jack Kerouac, Syd Barrett (Pink Floyd guitarist), or mathematician John Nash (also a recipient of Nobel prize).

Common Problems to Treatment

One method to achieving a successful treatment against schizophrenia is to identify the common problems or obstacles that prevent you from enjoying success with your treatment.

The most common reason why medications or treatments prove ineffective is the fact that they focus solely on addressing positive symptoms. After all, there are two categories of symptoms for schizophrenia – positive and negative. Experts suggest that a given medication or treatment focus on addressing both type of symptoms for effective results. Another common obstacle to schizophrenia treatment is the possibility of developing side effects, especially with drugs or medications recommended for this condition. It is therefore not enough to rely solely on medications for treatment but recovery can only happen with therapy and other treatment procedures. To lead a healthy life following diagnosis of schizophrenia, it is important to find a treatment that also addresses the negative symptoms of this mental disorder.

Evidence of Recovery

If you lack motivation to overcome symptoms of schizophrenia, it is important to consider the remarkable recovery that other patients have enjoyed. The need to find the best intervention approaches is vital with statistics indicating that 1 out of 10 males diagnosed with schizophrenia commit suicide.

But if it offered any relief, a study conducted by Courtenay M. Harding done in 1955 to 1965 shown a large group of individuals diagnosed with this mental disorder have managed to enjoy full recovery. In fact, most of them have shown no signs of the symptoms soon after treatment and managed to carve out a healthy life of their own. This should therefore give inspiration and show patients that there is hope for this condition.

Secrets to Living Healthy

If you want to live thriving lives despite of schizophrenia, here are some pointers you need to keep in mind:

• You need to come up with a goal to help keep you motivated.

• You need to make choices on what will help move you forward in your treatment efforts.

• You need to proactively choose the right interventions that will improve your situation.

• You need to work on rehabilitation and self-sufficiency.

• You need to be consistent in your use of treatment approach and medications to see immediate results.