Self Intervention- Breaking Free of Drugs and Alcohol

Self Intervention- Breaking Free Of Drugs And Alcohol

Once a person realizes what they are doing to their body, and has not only admitted to their self that they have a problem, but are also tired of cycles and the frustrations that go along with “using”, they can indeed do a “self intervention”.

There is no specified age or time for this to happen. Most people that end up with severe addiction problems started out when they were young, just “partying”. Usually when a person grows up and has children of their own, the “partying” slows down or comes to a halt for lack of funds and the need to be a proper role model. However, some people don’t make those changes as they mature, and they start to have problems that often “snowball” into divorce and bankruptcy.

Self Intervention to break away from the use of drugs or alcohol is not easy. The type of person that thinks they can do it, needs to be strong and keep a positive outlook. It can be done! Once a person becomes aware of their own addiction problem, the people that are in their life, that do not know there is a problem, need not find out!

They can do a “Self Intervention”. Self Intervention is only possible once you have discovered that you have what it takes within yourself to stop what you are doing and turn your life around. You have got to want to do this!

There have been many people that have checked into a rehab center numerous times, only to find out that the only way to quit is when you finally find it within yourself to quit. No amount of counseling or therapy is going to work until that person finally decides within their self to make changes.

That is why statistically speaking, very few people are able to make an extended stay at a rehab center work for them. You always hear about celebrities on the news and in the tabloids, “returning back to rehab” again and again!

Often times the “twelve step” meetings have a tendency to work against an otherwise intelligent person. They do work for some people, but not for everyone.

Staying clean is a choice. There is no “Magic Bullet”. Prayer and self control are really the only two things that will ultimately put an end to a addiction problem. Changing who you “hang out” with and who your friends are will make a difference. The choice is easy to make once the options of jail or death come into view.

The writer of this article would like to invite you to follow his blog: Self Intervention – Breaking yourself Free from Drugs and Alcohol.

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