I Can Do Better Than This Girl Right? Looking for Some Support.?

Question by Mark Rain: I can do better than this girl right? Looking for some support.?
Just broke up with my girlfriend earlier this week and I feel lonely, sad, and a part of me regrets ending it, for not giving her more of a chance. We were together for 3 months and she really seemed to love me and I loved her too. But, I broke it off. Here are a few things to know about the ex.

1. History of drug and alcohol abuse. Did meth for a few years and admits to having an alcohol problem (was in AA for a while but quit years ago). Currently doesn’t do the hard drugs, but is addicted to weed. She smokes every day, multiple times per day, and is rather irritable when she hasn’t smoked. She is currently not in any sort of recovery, and doesn’t see any of her substance use as a problem (she lost a good job due to a failed drug test a year ago, got a DUI and now has a breathalyzer but STILL tries to drink and drive at times). The more I was with her the more frustrating it was as she was frequently stoned and often times didn’t remember previous conversations we had, sometimes because she was stoned and other times because she had been drunk. The pot problem also concerned me as she would at times bring it around me (outside of her house) even though I asked her not to. I have a doctorate degree and practice professionally, so very much do not want to risk my career.

2. Still lives with parents at age 27, and no motivation whatsoever to change that from what I can see. As I said, she lost a good job because of her pot usage and now is just a waitress. Oh yeah, she lives with her mom, who she has been smoking pot with since age 14.

3. At the age of 27, when asked how many guys she has slept with, the answer was “at least 100, easily.” She also watches porn by herself on almost a daily basis, so perhaps also a sex addict?

4. Told me one night when drunk that she is basically looking for a guy to take care of her.

5. Cheated on previous husband (which caused a divorce) and a previous boyfriend. Blames one on drugs and the other on her unhappy marriage. Originally stated when dating that she would “never hurt someone like that again.” But very recently when asked if she would ever cheat under any circumstance she said “well, you can never say 100%, it depends on the situation, we’re all human.”

6. Fairly uncaring and unthoughtful of others. Complains a lot, picky eater. Wants to be pampered but doesn’t seem to think much about other’s feelings. Fairly cold and unfriendly to strangers and people in general.

7. Has a certain hobby that she enjoys, and told me that if I don’t like doing it with her “we’re going to have a problem.”

She talked a lot to me about how I’m the best man she has ever been with and how she wanted to have kids and get married someday. I was surprised hearing that sort of thing after just a couple months, but I did treat her very well and she apparently had never been treated like that before (according to her). I got attached to those dreamy ideas, I admit. She could also be very affectionate and sweet, which I got attached to. Also very cute and silly, which I loved. But, I did the right thing to end it I believe yes? My gut felt it was the best thing to do, but it helps to get support.
I asked her very recently if she would be willing to change or quit her substances. She said not at all, that she doesn’t have a problem. She said she plans on doing them the rest of her life most likely.

Best answer:

Answer by Jesus Christo
i didnt read all that…but anyone can always do better

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