5 Natural Tips for Weight Reduction

5 Natural Tips For Weight Reduction

You don’t need the latest diet program. You don’t need more fitness equipment gathering dust in a corner. You don’t need a gym membership. You don’t need diet foods. How much have you paid in the past for all the diet books and paraphernalia that were meant to help you but had no lasting effect on your weight? Natural ways to reach weight loss goals come from eating right, getting a good workout and taking supplements made from natural herbs, vitamins and minerals.

1. This is probably the least expensive option of all the natural appetite suppressants you can choose from. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will do wonders to curb your appetite. Often times hunger is mistaken as thirst so simply drinking water at the first sign of hunger can quickly keep your appetite in check. Another technique is to drink an eight ounce glass of water before each meal. You’ll be surprised at how much less you eat.

2. There are foods that can help speed up the process of weight loss, and ones that deter it. According to “Foods That Cause You To Lose Weight,” plant-source foods like fruits and vegetables are the better choices for natural weight loss, keeping animal products and processed foods to a minimum. Pick lean meats and eat whole grains to keep the system regular.

3. If you are overweight, you can be sure that you have eaten more food than your body needs in terms of calories. Chances are you’ve done that both through your choices of food – high in fat and sugar – which bulks up your body without filling you up and also through eating larger portion sizes than you really need of everything.

4. Wine is less fattening than mineral water: Women who like to relax after work by drinking a glass of wine, have another reason to keep doing it: according to a new study, a glass of wine is even less fattening than mineral water. Also, the moderate drinkers of the female population have a reduced risk for obesity compared to women who abstain from alcohol. In fact, scientists have found that women who drink red wine are likely to gain less fat than those who stick to mineral water. These findings emerged from a study in a sample of 19,000 women and contradict the advice given by most nutritionists to abstain from alcohol, if you want to lose weight. The scientists who carried out the study (which was published at the Archives of Internal Medicine journal) say that calories that derive from alcohol have a smaller effect on weight compared to the calories derived from other foods. They also point out that the way in which the body responds to alcohol is more complex than what we had thought until now. According to one theory, the livers of those drinking regularly, develop a different metabolic pathway to break down the alcohol, and the extra energy is mostly converted into heat rather than fat. However, this only applies to red wine and not to all beverages: women who drink red wine are much less fat, than women who prefer beer and other drinks.

5. Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, and bok choy are terrific natural appetite suppressants. They are remarkably low in calories and are a good source of fiber. And here’s a bonus – these are considered “negative calorie” foods because it can take more calories for your body to digest these foods than there are in these foods themselves!

Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on weight loss tips, how to lose belly fat.

Article from articlesbase.com