Taking Control

Taking Control

To many people, the word control is not one which they associate with spirituality or enlightenment. Such people view control with negative connotations. They think of one person trying to control another, or of one party forcing another to do something against his will. Of course, that is one valid definition of the word, but control also has a very positive side – a positive side which can help anyone to start mastering his life circumstances instead of allowing life circumstances to master him. In this article we will discuss how to use control in this life-enhancing manner.

When you think about it, almost all problems are caused by a lack of control. The alcoholic is a victim only because he allows himself to be controlled by an addiction. If he started controlling his habit then eventually it could be eradicated and his life would improve. The same can be said in the sphere of finances. A lack of control can all too easily lead a man into spending beyond his means, and this usually results in a bad case of debt. But should a man start taking control over his finances, abundance would quickly replace poverty because proper balance is restored.

The hallmark of any truly successful person – spiritual or otherwise – is the ability to control oneself and ones environment in a positive manner. Such a person never worries about circumstances because he knows that circumstances have no control over him – he controls them. He never feels overwhelmed or over-burdened by life, but embraces it, savouring every moment no matter if it rains or shines. He exudes an aura of calmness and tranquillity which can only come through the experience of being in control.

Look at your own life and be brutally honest with yourself. Are there any areas over which you have lost control? Do you overspend, over-eat, drink too much, worry too much or feel helpless when dealing with the circumstances of life? If so, you have lost control to a greater or lesser degree. You probably already know this. You probably also know that this lack of control makes it almost impossible to feel calm, tranquil, serene and in tune with the power within you. What you need is a method by which you can re-gain the control you once had and thus restore the balance of power in your life.

Of course, many people would argue that we don’t have a right to control our lives. “Let go and let God” such people tell us. “Trust in fate, destiny, your higher self… just relax.”

Whilst we agree that trusting the universe and “letting go” can be useful in certain circumstances, we do not think that this is a good principle to apply to every area of life. The fact is that we live in a universe which operates in accordance with a number of physical and spiritual laws which simply cannot be broken. If we are suffering from poverty then we cannot simply “let go” and experience abundance because that isn’t how abundance works. We must first take control of our financial matters, set everything up in accordance with abundance and then relax and let the universe play its natural role. Hence regaining control comes before any “letting go” you might care to do.

Your aim as a person on the path to total enlightenment and total empowerment should be to have total control over yourself and your life. You should aim to become a person of silent power – a person of quiet confidence who is completely unflustered by whatever life throws at you. The more you learn to control your life the faster you will grow spiritually, because less psychic energy will be used in coping with day to day events.

To become such a person you first need to be totally honest with yourself and identify where you currently lack control. There is no need to feel embarrassed about any areas in which you lack control for this scrutinisation is an entirely secret and personal matter. Once such areas have been identified you can then install new systems or routines which will enable you to restore control and this regain balance in your life. Let us discuss this process fully so that you can begin using it immediately.

If you are really honest with yourself then you probably already know what these areas are because your inner (or Higher) self will have been pointing them out for quite a while. Common symptoms of a lack of control are as follows:

Physical Lack Of Control – Indicated when you smoke too much, drink too much, take too little exercise or eat too much of the wrong kinds of foods.

Emotional Lack Of Control – Indicated when you lose your temper regularly, worry constantly about seemingly trivial matters or suffer from depression on a frequent basis.

Financial Lack Of Control – Indicated when you find it difficult to make ends meet, when your outgoings exceed your income or when you have debts which only get bigger.

Spiritual Lack Of Control – Indicated when you cannot find the time or energy for meditation, study time or actively using the power within you.

Write down which area you lack control in most and define exactly how your lack of control manifests itself in your life. For example, you might write: “The area in which I have least control is in my emotional life. This manifests itself in the way I always worry about trivial matters.”

Now that you have defined the main area which lacks control, think about what life would be like if you had total control in this part of your life. How would your life improve? How would you feel? How would you act? How would you manage to stay in control?

When carrying out this exercise, imagine that you already are in total control. From this perspective, think about what things you do differently to maintain control. What habits do you have that help you stay on top of life’s circumstances? What habits do you avoid because they might weaken your control?

Looking at the situation as though you are already successful in having control is an excellent method of identifying what steps you need to take to actually succeed. For example, if you identify that you have lose control of your finances, imagine what you would be doing if you were in total control. You might see yourself balancing your cheque book on a regularly basis. You might see yourself curbing your spending habits. You might see yourself starting a part-time business of your own in order to generate more wealth for yourself. These are all steps which you can take now to start experiencing more control over your finances.

Once you know where you need to have more control and what steps you could take to secure this control, all you need to do is take control. This step is both simple and difficult at the same time.

It is simple because you already know what you should do to get control. The last exercise revealed the steps you need to take – for example balancing your cheque book regularly or launching a part-time business of your own.

Yet at the same time this step is difficult to take because all of us tend to resist change to one degree or another. We feel comfortable with our routines, no matter how destructive these routines may be, and so taking new steps goes against the grain.

It makes us feel uncomfortable. It makes us step out of the comfort zone.

For this reason, many of you who study this tutorial will never actually get around to acting on it. You will read, nod your head, agree that taking control would be a good thing, but then postpone actually doing anything about it. If this is you then please think again.

If you continue with the habits you currently have, any area which is out of control will only become more so. Thus the challenge of regaining control will become even more difficult over time – not easier.

Look at an alcoholic. In most cases he doesn’t set out with a goal to become an alcoholic. In fact even the idea would probably have repulsed him. But he developed a habit for drinking regularly. Maybe just one or two each day in the beginning. And then three or four. He could have nipped this destructive habit in the bud way back then, but he didn’t really think he had a problem, so he let it continue. As the weeks and months go by, his alcohol intake increases to the point where he feels he simply cannot live without it. Now taking control is far more difficult than it would have been in the earlier stages, and so he probably won’t even bother trying.

If you lack control in any area of life right now, you must understand that now is the easiest time to regain the control you should have. Wait a day, a week, a month or a year and the task will only get more difficult. This is why debt snowballs, a little indulgence becomes a habit of over-eating and the occasional negative thought eventually gives birth to incessant worrying.

So the time to take action is now. Today. Within the hour.

Having identified the area you need to control more deliberately (e.g. finances) and the steps which you can take to regain this control (e.g. curbing your spending habits) you must now implement these steps without a second thought.

As someone who wishes to become more empowered and more spiritually evolved, you cannot afford to lose control over your life. If you act now and take one hundred per cent control then you will find that your ability to access and use the spiritual power within you increases. You become a cleaner, more effective vessel for psychic energy and thus your spiritual knowledge, power and abilities will also increase.

Look at anyone who is considered to be a master in the metaphysical or occult sciences. What sets them above so-called “regular” human beings?

In most cases it is an incredible sense of control over their own lives. They take charge of their physical bodies and they treat it like a temple, eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise. They take charge of their financial lives by developing good spending, saving and tithing habits. They take charge of their emotional lives by refusing to give in to negative thoughts, always projecting positive, tranquil energy out to the universe. They take control over their spiritual lives by taking time out to meditate, study and develop their inner power on a daily basis.

Is it coincidence that spiritual masters of almost any philosophy are almost always in total control of their thoughts, actions, words and habits? We think not. Having control over your life and becoming a master go hand in hand. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to have one without the other.

Follow the advice in this tutorial and in a short time your life could be truly amazing. Debt and poverty will be replaced by healthy abundance. Worry and fear by faith and a strong belief in your spiritual ability to overcome all negative circumstances. Destructive physical habits by positive habits of exercise, taking a healthy diet and reaching the peak of your physical potential. Spiritual laziness will be replaced with a fervent desire to develop yourself to the full and habits of regular study and meditation.

“Taking control can be a magical key to your dreams.”

Taking control can be a magical key to your dreams. If you stop blaming the world, your parents, your environment, your boss, fate, destiny or some other external force and start recognising that you have the power to control every aspect of your life, you will quickly take a quantum leap into a new realm of life. You will climb up to the next plateau of self-knowledge. You will come to realise once and for all time that you do own your life, that you have got what it takes to make things happen and that you can succeed in achieving anything you set your mind to.

So start now. Identify any problem areas. Discover the steps you need to take to regain control. Then take control!

Cassandra Whiteley writes about the secrets of the Law of Attraction and the power of creative thought. Learn to unleash the power within you and create a life of vitality, wealth, success and romance by visiting her Create Good Things blog at www.creategoodthings.com

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