Drug Rehab Treatment Centers in California – Utah – Washington With the Highest Success Rates

Drug Rehab Treatment Centers in California – Utah – Washington with the Highest Success rates

When someone is in need of a drug rehab treatment center, it can be difficult to choose among the wide variety of options. Oftentimes, for friends, family and an individual with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there are great difficulties in trying to determine where to turn. There are many strong thoughts and emotions that tend to inhibit clear and rational decision making. As a result, many people turn to addiction treatment centers that sell them on comfort, emotional arguments and promises of short stays.

It is challenging if not nearly impossible to step back in this type of situation and make solid decisions. However, if one could step back from the immediacy of the situation, then the basis for decision making would become clearer and the resulting search criteria would take on a very different appearance. One would determine that success is defined by a permanent solution is of utmost importance. The drug rehab treatment centers could then be ranked based on their ability to get results and not just a brochure or website. Those with the highest success rates would rise to the top, while unsuccessful facilities would lose consideration.

Narconon Visa Bay has the highest success rates for permanent solutions to a drug and alcohol abuse problems. Based on studies their success rate is as high as 76%, which is an astounding number when compared to competitive drug rehab treatment centers. In school, we would consider 76% to be an average score warranting a “C” grade. Drug and alcohol addiction is not an academic assignment. When one compares the 76% success rate to traditional drug and alcohol treatment programs such as the 12-Step Program with a 2% success rate, the degree of excellence in this number becomes clear. The chance for a successful permanent solution to drug and alcohol abuse is over 35 times greater with Narconon Vista Bay, than with opposing programs.

Narconon Vista Bay is a non-profit drug and rehab treatment center with facilities in California, Utah and Washington that produce results. They take a holistic approach that has driven permanent results for 42 years. Outside of medically necessary prescriptions such as heart medication or insulin, Narconon Visa Bay is a completely drug-free treatment program.

As part of the treatment program, Narconon Vista Bay has a rigorous hot sauna program designed to aid the body in the detoxification process. In addition, there are life education courses, focused on ensuring that addicts have the proper set of skills to move forward and become functional and thriving members of society. The time it takes for a successful recovery depends on the individual. As a result, Narconon Vista Bay has a single fee and does not limit the stay such as a “30-day drug and alcohol rehabilitation program”. Through experience they have found that it normally takes about four to five months for individuals to become healthy again. At this point, a comprehensive and approved discharge plan is implemented to help the individual continue in the right direction once they leave the facility. The Narconon Vista Bay rehab centers include a Graduate Assurance Plan that grants individuals re-admittance back into the program, at no additional charge, for thirty days if they relapse while following their approved discharge plan over the next six months.

In order to ensure a high success rate for an individual’s recovery from drug and alcohol abuse in California, Utah and Washington, choose Narconon Vista Bay. They have the experience and the success rate for the greatest opportunity for the best possible outcome from a drug and alcohol rehab treatment center: permanent recovery.

Article from articlesbase.com