Measures to Be Taken for Angina

Measures To Be Taken For Angina

Angina is also called as angina pectoris and this gives you chest pains which are very painful and can cause lot of stress. This pain is mainly due to myocardial ischemia which means lack of daily quota of blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle. The reason for lagging behind in supply is mainly due blockages in one or more arteries of the heart.

This pain is mainly felt as an uncomfortable pressure, heaviness, squeezing of the muscles, tightening and the continuous ache. This pain is mainly felt in the breastbone and branches out in areas like the neck, jaw, thigh, arms, back, shoulder and sometimes in rare incidents may also occur in teeth.

The basic triggering factor for angina attacks is due to physical exertion. Even a simple task like walking, climbing stairs, jogging, and lifting things can get you angina attacks. There are other factors too such as stress, mental pressure and tension, being exposed to extreme cold or heat temperatures, consumption of alcohol as well as smoking.

Complains of indigestion, heartburn, weakness, nausea, shortness in breath and cramps are also some signs of angina. After exertion or your meals the demand for oxygen increases which is not fulfilled due to the narrowed arteries leading to an angina.

These attacks can last from 1 to 15 minutes which can be palliated by taking rest or by taking some medication. Sometimes these pains just leave as they had come, as the muscles get relaxed and supply of blood becomes easy. This kind of angina is called as stable angina. The other type of angina which changes its normal approach is called unstable angina and these are ones from which we should be worried about. This kind of angina is the first sign of heart attack.

Remedial measures for Angina

– Having a proper diet is very important.
-Being a vegetarian would help as most of the meat products have high cholesterol which risks your heart
– You can have the cantaloupe juice everyday, which contains adesnosine for thinning the blood. This would help in proper supply to the heart muscle
-Raise your bed level or keep your head raised as these would help in reducing your angina attacks at night
-Instead of taking a medicine you can keep your foot down on the floor as this would work in the same fashion like one of those medications
-Remain fit by avoiding exertion of any type
-Intake of more fresh fruits and vegetables
-Avoid oily and spicy food

Kevin Pederson, webmaster for sites like provides remedial measures. Home Based Cure for Angina are easy steps to be taken to avoid complication to your heart.

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