Alcoholism – a Life Sucker!

Alcoholism – A Life Sucker!

This disease cannot be taken lightly as it is very fatal and can be described as a killer disease. Many consume alcohol but one shouldn’t get to such a stage where alcohol starts consuming you. You loose your senses under the influence of alcohol which can be keyed out as risky business.

One starts to consume alcohol for different reasons, sometime joy, sometimes sorrow and sometime social pressures. It can also be for other reasons like genetic, psychological and many other social factors which makes this even more deadly. The addictions has spoiled generations, broken up families and has created havoc in ones life. It is also a major factor for half of the traffic deaths.

Some of the fundamental reasons of being an alcoholic or addicted to alcoholic are

1. Isolation can be considered as a blessing for them as it is one of the reasons for drinking.

2. Blacking out and not remembering things become a very common factor.

3. The routine life goes berserk as the normal things of interest and activities does not seem that interesting anymore.

4. You always feel an urge to drink and when it that does not happen to become very irritable.

5. Having alcohol near you is one of the compulsive needs you have.

6. Getting drunk to feel normal and having alcohol with only urge to drink.

7. You can also notice withdrawal symptoms in your body like nausea, sweating and shaking.

The addiction to alcohol changes the person completely. You become so dependent to the chemical which creates an adrenaline rush to your brain. By drinking alcohol there is a chemical imbalance which conquers the concept of inhibition and glutamate which energizes your nervous system and acts as a stimulant. Some of the other factors which lead to an addiction of alcohol are also

Genetically: Many components when come together create problems for the person. One of the problems is when the person comes from the same genetic pool of that person. If the person has a generation of people addicted to alcohol or vulnerability then those are people who fall victim to alcoholism.

Emotions: They play a very important part with the effect of alcohol. Stress, happiness, sadness, joy and many other emotions create an impact with amount of alcohol one has to have.

Psychological influences: Depression and factors like low self-esteem creates a window for alcohol. Sitting with other who drinks can be one of the reasons to create a drinking habit.

Social and Cultural factors: Social drinkers can also turn out to be hard core drinkers. Designation, glamour, and peer pressure all can lead to drinking. Messages from media also create an impact.

Age is no bar. Nowadays the newer generation starts drinking at a very early age. Once you start abusing alcohol at an early age it is very hard to get rid from it. Studies have shown that men are prone to be alcoholics in comparison to women. When drinking goes beyond limit it can be considered even more fatal.

Alcoholism can lead to many medical problems. Heavy drinking mainly affects the liver and there can be liver disorders such as inflammation of liver and alcoholic hepatitis. There are times when such disorders are irreversible and can cause major damage to your liver and other parts of the body. Gastrointestinal problems or stomach ailments caused as a result of alcohol.Heart problems are also developed where you are at a risk of heart failure or stroke. Excessive drinking during pregnancy can lead to birth defects. There also can be risk of cancer.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on
some guidelines on the bad effects of alcohol as well as ways to fight it by some of the very natural and home based remedies

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