Diet for Fibromyalgia

Diet For Fibromyalgia

Natural treatment methods for fibromyalgia can relieve the pain people must deal with every day, and one that is very important is the diet for fibromyalgia. While there is no perfect list of foods to include and which to avoid, these suggestions can be considered a beginning to ease the pain and other symptoms associated with this condition.

It may take time and experimentation to determine the correct diet modifications which will work for you, however, there are certain things that can apply to everyone.

1. While there is no complete agreement as to the best diet for fibromyalgia, the main objective is to have your body in as optimum condition as possible. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water is a great start. The water will flush the toxins out of the body, and juices and other beverages are not a subsitute for water.

2. Avoid caffeine, which includes not only coffee and tea but soda drinks and chocolate. Caffeine may worsen bowel problems that are often one of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

3. Get enough protein and limit carbohyrates. Lean meat such as skinless chicken and fish are good choices. Protein will help your energy level and keeps blood sugar normal. Carbs, on the other hand, help the body to make insulin, which in small doses is fine, but if it makes more than necessary the body just stores it as fat. This can make anyone feel even worse.

4. Avoid sugar as much as possible, as it depresses the immune system and can affect sleep. People with fibromyalgia often have sleeping problems already, and sugar can make things worse. Tests have shown that fewer and less severe symptoms are often the result when they avoid sugar in their diet.

5. Finally, avoid any alcohol. Not only can the combination of many common prescription medications and alcohol have serious consequences, but alcohol by itself can cause symptoms to get worse. Alcohol may also be responsible for stomach and bowel difficulties.

These are suggestions for diet for fibromyalgia to help relieve symptoms.

Shelley Penney, a retired nurse, has written a very helpful ebook about safe methods for Natural Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia. Shelley will explain how to End Fibromyalgia Pain for good.

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