The Components of Alcohol Addiction

The Components of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is an epidemic and one of the great challenges that many people have to face daily. For many drinking starts off as a social activity and because its so acceptable in our culture it can easily grow into a real problem without you fully realizing it. When you get to the point where you are no longer in control of your drinking habit, you have a problem and if you don’t get help it will only spiral out of control.

Addiction is a self reinforcing problem and the more you drink the more you want to drink. Someone once described an addiction as never getting enough of what you don’t want. Think about that as you contemplate your own situation as it really brings home the idea that you will never be able to drink “enough” and you will never get what you are chasing with your drinking.

When you really stop and look at the components of an addiction you can really start to help yourself. Many alcohol addiction programs will guide you through this process to help you better understand the nature of the problem.

In any addiction there are the following components. Firstly there is the craving (your need to drink), then there is the “craver” (that is you), then there is that which is craved (the alcohol). The important thing to realize is that none of these 3 elements is really “you”. the real you, your real self or your other self has nothing to do with any of those things. the drinking, the need to drink and the actual drink itself are all just stuff that’s out there in the world.

The reason why a spiritual approach to alcohol treatment works so well is because it helps you to transcend all 3 these components and helps you to re-connect with the real you. You can battle these 3 elements all your life and never win, but when you go beyond them it can be a very uplifting experience that can help you leave alcohol addiction behind you for good.

See my blog to learn more about the causes of alcoholism and learn more about the best alcoholism treatment programs.

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