Multiple Benefits of Bee Honey
Multiple Benefits of Bee Honey
Bee honey has been known as a valuable nutrition since long ago. Honey provides multiple benefits to human life shown by its significance in many tradition, culture and religion. It has been used in various cooking and baking, or just as bread spread. It is also used as sweetener in many beverages such as tea and several commercial drinks.
But the prominent benefit of honey is the health benefit. Almost every religion suggests the use of honey for the purpose of healing and health keeping. The Holy Qur’an for instance, stipulates the benefit of honey in Surah An-Nahl (The Honey Bee) as it says:
And your Lord inspired the bees, saying: “Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect. Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you).” There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying color (honey) where in is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think (An-Nahl, ayat 68 – 69)
As is it says, honey is indeed much valuable to health. Countless research has proven various benefits to our health. And here are a few benefits to mention taken out from the long list of honey health and medical benefits.
Natural energy booster. Honey is an excellent source of carbohydrate which is the fuel to generate energy and strength of our body. Two major sugar components of a typical honey are fructose (38,2%) and Glucose (31.3%), Sucrose and Maltose about 8.4%, and water (17.2%).
Glucose is the form of sugar which will be quickly absorbed by the cells hence it could provide an immediate energy boosting effect. Fructose will be absorbed at a slower pace thus provide sustained energy. Having those two forms of sugar in honey makes it a perfect fast and sustainable energy booster. This benefit has been used by athletes to boost their performance, increase endurance and to reduce muscle fatigue.
Anti-cancer effect. Some researches and reviews have clearly indicated that certain kinds of honey polyphenols tested in laboratorial facilities showed to be a promising anti-proliferative agent. However, it is suggested by other scientists that such findings should be followed up by clinical trails for further validation before it is applied in medical practices.
Anti-oxidant effect. Free radicals and reactive oxygen species have been associated to aging process and disease in human beings. To overcome this humans try to protect themselves by the means of taking high anti-oxidant food, where honey is one of the best choice to fulfill this requirement.
A trial with two honey treatments showed that the phenolic compound found in honey increased the antioxidant activity of blood plasma. This may be speculated that this will enhance protection against oxidative stress in healthy human therefore it could delay the aging process.
Anti-bacterial and anti-septic effect. A study by Dr. M. Subrahmanyam (1991) indicates that honey is effective for the prevention of infection because of its antibacterial or bacteriostatic properties specifically through slowing down the growth of both Gram- negative and Gram-positive bacteria. He isolated 9 bacteria species found in burn wounds and apparently all the bacteria failed to grow at a concentration of 30% honey in a Muller-Hinton (MH) medium.
Another study by Tumkur Ramachandriah Shamala and friends show that honey has remarkable antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli tested on honey feeding animals under in vitro and in vivo conditions, and show the potential health benefit after the animals have been fed with honey regularly.
As a matter of fact honey was being used for wounds healing in the past time due to its antibacterial properties. But with the introduction of penicillin and other antibiotics in the twentieth century, honey’s wound healing qualities have been taken out. However, it is still used as a traditional wound treatment on many communities.
Other anti-bacterial related benefits of honey and is still used:
Good remedy of sore throats and cough
Good antiseptic dressing for burns and open wounds
Anti-diarrheal and promotes rehydration.
Other known benefits of honey includes: support blood formation, skin moisturizing, insomnia (sleeplessness) cure, heals stomach ulcers and for alcohol hangover recovery.
Uno Birawan is a writer and wrote a lot about beekeeping. You can find the information on Beekeeping Business by visiting his site
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