Alcohol and Aging Skin – Why Age Faster When You Can Actually Look Younger With Safer Ingredients?

Alcohol And Aging Skin – Why Age Faster When You Can Actually Look Younger With Safer Ingredients?

Alcohol is out because it is a recreational beverage which does not have any useful nutrients in it at all. It actually hastens the aging process and therefore alcohol and aging skin are not a great combination.

There is actually one exception to all this. If your preferred drink is red wine, then the resveratrol which it contains is actually useful as an anti aging ingredient and also has been found to be protective in some cancers. However, there is still more research to be done. If you are convinced that resveratrol can help you, a good supplement will do the trick instead of drinking copious amounts of red wine. It is not as much fun, though!

Generally, however alcohol does more harm than good and it is especially damaging to the skin. You see, it really does dehydrate you and skin has to be hydrated from without and within. That means drinking plenty of water a day and also stocking up on fruit and vegetables.

Alcohol and aging skin are not a wise choice either because of the other effects it has on the skin. This is especially true when alcohol is actually used in skincare ingredients. So, giving up alcohol may not be enough as we have to watch what we are putting on our skin. I have seen some products which contain as many as three different types of alcohol in the top five ingredients. Alcohols in skincare do not function either as they dry the skin.

In looking for completely safe ingredients which do not contain alcohol, mineral oils or parabens, we have to check the label carefully. A great shortcut is just to eliminate all those cosmaceutical companies who are not signatories of The Compact For Safe Cosmetics.

These companies have banned all the harmful chemicals as is required in that protocol. But a few companies have gone further and developed cutting edge ingredients which are entirely innovative in skincare

Just let me give you one example. I discovered that there is an ingredient which is called nano lipobelle HEQ10 which is really using nano technology to help the COQ10 enzyme to penetrate to deepest layers of the skin. This is where the collagen resides and this is also where skin cell renewal takes place. This particular ingredient is such a powerful antioxidant in that it can do all that and more.

Then there are other ingredients such as active manuka honey, Xtend TK which is a collagen regenerator and finally the wakame ingredient which preserves our supplies of HA.

We do not need to be just aware of the consequences of alcohol and aging skin. We need to go one step further to ensure that the products we are using are totally skin friendly and effective. This is all about taking our skincare to a whole new level. That is why I built a website to explain it all. Why not check it out now?

No more excuses. If you are tired of the same old worthless products that fail to live up to their promises, isn’t it time you took action? Discover some really effective ingredients used in cutting edge anti aging skin products. William Colbert is passionate about natural, safe skincare and has extensively researched the best skin friendly ingredients on the market to-day. Visit: for more information

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