Easy to Rehabilitate: The Drug Addict or the Alcoholic
Easy To Rehabilitate: The Drug Addict Or The Alcoholic
Both drug addiction and alcoholism has taken the shape of social menace. The rehabilitation procedure for both these problems is more or less the same. Regarding their recovery there are different opinions.
Alcoholics tend to get back to the habit
Some have put it in this way. Since alcohol consumption has no illegal side therefore its availability is very easy. You can get it anywhere whenever you want. Thus, even if you have left the habit of alcohol consumption it might hardly take any time to get back into the old shoes. The probability of relapse is very high. And rehabilitation in that sense is not an easier process for those who are in the habit of drinking. They leave but soon get back to their old habit.
Tough to cure drug addicts
The other opinion regarding the rehabilitation process conveys that drug rehabilitation is a tougher process. They argue on the issue that the legal factor cannot stop the addict from taking drugs. In spite of so much legal constrictions the drug dealers don’t fail to carry on with their business of drug trafficking. An easy availability as well as accessibility is also related to narcotics.
Do you know you can easily log on to some illegal sites that are doing online business of drug dealing? So how does it matter when the information is available to you just at the click of a button?
Relapse opportunities are equally available
Instead of debating on the issue that drug rehabilitation is easier than alcoholism or the reverse, it is better to think in a manner that both these ill habits have to be completely thrown out of the society. Tendencies to relapse are possible in both the cases. Again the factor, alcohol can be easily fetched rather than drugs hardly matter.
When one is already drenched into the habit and taken it to the tolerance level it is already within his/her reach that where is the drug available. Another vital issue related to the illegal drug dealing business is that you really don’t know who is the dealer or the supplier. The vegetable vendor at the corner of the street can be a part of the drug-dealing racket. It is the duty of the administration and police to find out these dens and immediately take action against such practices for the welfare of the entire society. Legal steps regarding undue consumption of alcohols must also be made strict. The rate of rehabilitation process can be a real success when the whole society has a humble outlook and a helpful approach.
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Article from articlesbase.com