Problems Associated With Teen Alcohol Abuse in West Virginia

Problems Associated With Teen Alcohol Abuse In West Virginia

The number of teenagers getting into alcohol abuse in West Virginia has only been rising in the past years. It is not uncommon to find teenagers aged 12-14 years getting into centers for alcohol treatment in this state. However, though there are various centers for alcohol abuse in West Virginia, even some centers that are specifically targeted at teenagers, there are several problems that they face in implementing the treatment. Here we take a look at some of the problems that are related with teenage alcohol abuse in West Virginia, especially in regards to the treatment provided by the centers meant for them.

1. The first problem that most treatment centers face is the strong denial that is found in the teenagers who are abusing alcohol. There is always a tendency in youngsters to downplay their dependency and consider it to be within healthy limits. It is very difficult for them to see the problems that are coming in. Also, they will not easily get ready for accepting the treatment for their condition. This strong denial is what makes treatment difficult, because patients who are denying their treatment will remain quite unresponsive to the methods used in the treatment. The treatment centers might even have to get in touch with the families and other important people who can influence the person to get through the treatment.

2. The detoxification becomes a problem also. For starters, teenagers cannot use the normal modes of detoxification that adults can use. The reason for that lies in the frailty of their bodies as compared to that of the adults. Their weak bodies will not be able to bear the strong medications that are used for the treatment of alcohol abuse in West Virginia. At the same time, they will not find it simple to go through the withdrawal process too. Teenagers have less tolerance than adults. Hence, they will find it very difficult to bear the symptoms of the withdrawal, which can range from painful cramps and aches to even passing out. The treatment providers face a very grueling time getting young patients through their withdrawal.

3. Maintenance medication becomes difficult too. There are various kinds of medications for alcohol treatment being used in West Virginia, which are especially used to help patients bear the urges of alcohol. As long as these medications are taken, the patient will not feel the urge for alcohol. However, these medications may not be suitable for the young patients due to their young age. That will make it difficult for them to bear the after treatment period when they will get strong urges for the drink but will not be advised to do it.

4. Another tricky situation is the counseling. Counseling is a very important part of the aftercare program for alcohol abuse treatment in West Virginia. This is when patients are made to realize that their alcoholism can be completely removed if they make an effort. They are taught various methods to work out their issues and overcome the addiction urges. However, this will be difficult for young patients because they will not realize the dangers of the situation they are in. Most youngsters who have got into the addiction do not even know how precarious a situation they are in. It becomes very difficult to convince them otherwise.

5. A problem that is very commonly faced in youngsters who are into alcohol abuse in West Virginia is the presence of a secondary addiction. These young people may have an addiction such as a prescription drug abuse or a drug addiction that goes hand in hand with their alcohol habit. They may have taken up this secondary addiction because of getting used to the euphoria caused by alcoholism and wanting to try something different. Such secondary addictions will make alcohol abuse treatment definitely different because of the different symptoms that both addictions will have. Detox will also take a longer time, and it will take a long time to work out their specific issues.

6. There is always the risk of an alcohol abuse in young people getting to a full blown addiction in a few years time. The younger the person is when getting into an alcohol abuse, the greater will be the chances that he or she will get into a full blown addiction. Alcohol can make the person’s body completely enslaved and hence the condition becomes much more difficult to treat. This is one of the prime concerns of the centers that provide treatment for teenage alcohol abuse in West Virginia.

These associated problems definitely make alcohol abuse in teenagers more complicated than abuse in adults. However, treatment centers in West Virginia are implementing techniques that can help them get out of their conditions.

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