Exercise and Losing Weight Fast
Exercise and Losing Weight Fast
Exercise is good for you right? Well too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Some people go overboard with exercise as they attempt to lose weight fast or keep weight off. Fad dieting and over exercising is double trouble.
An exercise program is usually encouraged with a weight loss program of any kind. The energy and good feelings we get from exercise come from a release of chemicals in the brain called endorphins. These endorphins are actually morphine like substance. You can become addicted to this feeling and compulsive with your exercise program.
Compulsive exercise has medical and psychological consequences. Too much exercise can damage your bones, joints, tendons, cartilage and ligaments. These are the things that keep our limbs moving. Too much exercise can put strain on the heart. Compulsive exercise can have many consequences leading to amenorrhea, bone density loss, osteoporosis and a full blown addiction. Over exercising can be a sign of an eating disorder.
People began to exercise to lose weight, relieve stress, or for their health in general. In a society that demands that we be thin and fit; people can set unrealistic goals for themselves. Sometimes people fixate on how they want to look.
People trying to lose weight fast, in frustration with dietary results, may turn to over exercising. If a person is restricting their intake drastically and over exercising, this can lead to exhaustion, weakness, dehydration muscle cramping or injury.
Exercise can become the only way a person can relieve stress. There are no universal guidelines that can tell us if your are exercising too much. Athletes in training may exercise a lot but they generally know how to take care of themselves. This is not an addictive sign.
There are ways to tell if you are dependent on exercise. Exercise addicts usually have low self esteem. Signs of exercise addiction or dependence are: going to great extremes to exercise, choosing to exercise alone instead of being with friends or family, exercise gets in the way of other obligations, exercising for hours at a time, and continuing to exercise after an injury.
The biggest component of exercise dependence is how it affects your mood. It will cause an exercise addict a great amount of stress and anxiety if they cannot exercise for the day. They may do something totally out of character so they can exercise. They may go out in unsafe weather conditions so they can exercise.
Imagine if you are not eating enough food and exercising too much. These people continue to exercise even when they do not feel good and the exercise does not feel good anymore. Compulsive exercise has the same addictive characteristics of any other addiction.
Exercise addicts may need clinical help. Evaluate your body image, is it realistic? Stop the addiction before it starts by recognizing the symptoms. For your health, exercise should be done in moderation and complement a well balanced diet. An adequate amount of exercise with a healthy diet plan can help you lose weight gradually, instead of loosing weight too fast and jeopardizing your health.
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Article from articlesbase.com
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