How to Get Over SEVERE Commitment Phobia?! (I’m a Girl)?

Question by redt: How to get over SEVERE commitment phobia?! (I’m a girl)?
I have serious commitment issues… like serious.

Have been dating a guy for four years, but marriage still scares the shit out of me… I always picture myself married down the line…but it’s to this “mr. perfect” guy that doesn’t exist. (Yes, I used to have a HUGE list of qualifications I look for).

I read that if you had a traumatic childhood it might spur commitment phobia- and I’m the adult child of an alcoholic father.

I find that I have a long, messy, embarassing history of “mini-relationships” in which I utterly pushed away (and quite dramatically too) every guy I ever liked or was interested in… I’ve tried to do that with my current bf of four years- and we have had a very unstable, unhappy, relationship. He has hurt me alot too…

Ive tried counseling, I’m so embarassed of my past and run into “exes” all the time…. I’m not sure whether to break up with my current bf because I’m not happy or if it’s just me and I’ll never feel happy….

what do i do? :(

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