Can He Really Give Her Custody?
Question by &&;Torii: Can he really give her custody?
So my dad has custody of my brother and I. Right now he’s really pissed off at me because I’m sick and called home from school today. He also says that I’m giving him “problems”. Now by problems, he means that I am doing things that every normal teenager does such as procrastinating chores, talking back and staying in my room. Usually when a parent says that their child is giving them problems, they are referring to sex, drinking and drugs.
Well, anyways, today he told me that after I had came home and went to sleep he signed my custody over to my mother.
I’m wondering if he can do that because she is an abusive, mentally unstable drug addict. We have all of this documented and I’m really worried because when I was younger, she used to abuse me pretty badly and I really don’t want that to happen again.
Best answer:
Answer by Allen G
he’s probably doing that to scare you if i was a dad i wouldn’t do that and if it has happened before he wont do it he’s scaring you so you can shape up.
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