All About Mosquitoes

All About Mosquitoes

For people around the globe, mosquitoes are very annoying creatures. However, mosquitoes are also part of the reason why termite control and pest control companies can stay in business. These little creatures cause trouble in all part of the globe as they can carry many diseases, most of which infect millions of global citizens each year. It is important for people to know a little bit about mosquitoes in order to prevent as many bites as possible from these tiny nuisances.

Mosquitoes carry all types of diseases. The major one, however, is malaria. Malaria, luckily for those in the United States, is rarely found outside tropical regions that are close to large bodies of water and the equator. Another disease they carry is West Nile Virus, something that is found in the United States. Mosquitoes become carriers of this disease by biting an infected bird. The symptoms usually include headaches, dizziness, fever, chills, and muscles aches (similar to the flu) and many times go unnoticed by the human who is infected. Dengue fever is quickly become a global issue that may overtake malaria as the main mosquito disease. Dengue fever produces similar symptoms to malaria and West Nile Virus, but it can be fatal to children. This disease is usually found in the tropics, like coastal areas, African nations and South and Central America and other places that are near water.

Mosquitoes are a problem during warm, humid weather. In the United States, this means they are a problem mainly during the late spring and throughout summer. It is important to know how to protect yourself against these bugs, so that you are able to enjoy time outside when it is warm. There are all different types of mosquito repellent candles that work really well if you want to sit outside when eating or having guests over. These special candles are great if you plan to be outside for a long period of time. Liquid mosquito spray is better for people who will be outside for shorter periods of time and perhaps during a camping trip when you will be in the woods for long periods. Finally, if you are camping out during summer, it may be wise to sleep with a mosquito net around you. This is especially true for those camping in the South, where it gets extremely humid during the summer and where mosquitoes thrive.

Research is constantly being conducted to figure out why some people are more prone to mosquito bites than others. However, evidence is usually inconclusive. Some believe mosquitoes prefer fair-skinned people to those who tan more easily, which would lead people to think that it has something to do with the amount of melanin in the skin. Still, doctors and other medical professionals do not exactly why mosquitoes bite some people more than others. It is still important to try your best to prevent these insects from biting you, since they are known to carry illnesses and the bites cause your skin to be very itchy.

Stewart Wrighter has often called on the expertise of a Dallas termite control company to treat his large office facility. He hired a Dallas pest control company to get rid of termites at his house.

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