Q&A: Am I Pregnant? Plz Help !!! =(?

Question by cutiepie310: am i pregnant? plz help !!! =(?
my bf n i havent had sex but he ejaculated in his jeans and my pj bottoms got wet from it.iv done tons of research and it said only semen (the wetness i guess) can go through but sperm itself is too fragile. *sperm does NOT die as soon as it hits air. even dry sperm can live up to 48 hours i think it was.* but well can i still be pregnant?i got my period RIGHT on time, about a week after that happened,exactly the 28th day(my cycles r usually really regular)idk y i started freaking out and having “fake symptoms”once i convinved myself they were just in my head,they went away!!except i still feel light headed, sleepy, and my head hurts (prob cuz i’ve been losing LOTS sleep over it!!) my mom says its dehydration?( i drink a bottle of water a day maybe) can i be pregnant? or can i be dehydrated?how do i know that was my actual period not “spotting”or “bleeding” sure it LOOKED like my period but??? plz help !! can i be pregnant?my breasts arent sore,n not dont rly get nausea.
p.s. i’m 17

Best answer:

Answer by Exotic_Evil
No I highly doubt that you are pregnant…. If you’re going to stress over things like this then the best bet would be getting on a form on birth control!

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