Are There Any Real Life “Interventions” for Abusive Alcoholics?

Question by mlewis_85: Are there any real life “Interventions” for abusive alcoholics?
We have all seen the show….

I really need to know if there is any way I can get a friend of mine help. He is only 21 but has a massive drinking problem! He has become extremely abusive and destructive. Cracked my windshield twice! I won’t mention other things…all I need to know is where I can get help for him FAST! I also need something that is free, or something he can pay off as soon as he is better. He has no job and busks for just enough money for liquor….I really really need help!!
I’m talking a bottle of liquor a day
HE drinks about a bottle a day…two pints

Best answer:

Answer by asha
hmm just go to the doctor or call and they can probably recommend you to some AA meetings for alcoholics

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