Family Stress Effecting Me Both Physically and Emotionally, I Need Help on How to Manage.?
Question by Yae: Family stress effecting me both physically and emotionally, i need help on how to manage.?
im 16 years old and you’d think the only things i would need to worry about would be school and chores. but that isn’t the case. being home is literally driving me insane. with the failing economy and parents bad decisions i had to move into a smaller house and now share a room with two siblings. due to the move i had to give away both my dogs which kept me happy. my parents expect the chores to be done by everyone but them because they pay rent. which means they usually fall on my shoulders. and on top of that my father is an alcoholic and a smoker, so he is always drunk and the smoke interferes with my asthma. my mom tries to defend his actions which usually ends up creating tension and an arguement. i can barely keep up with my school work because i sleep all day long to avoid contact with anyone which drains all of my energy. & usually cry myself to sleep in the morning. i don’t get along with my “family” and the only feeling i have for them is hate.
my question is really: how can i find a way to seperate myself from everyone until i move out in a year and a half. i don’t know how much of this i can actually take.
Best answer:
Answer by Cut2theChase
Wow,I can understand your pain.You are 16 years old and soon will be on your own.You have to be strong and remember that life is precious,even when we feel as if we “hate”,try your best to keep sane because one day as crazy as it may sound to you now-you will miss being around them.You never know what the future may bring…tomorrow is not promised to us.Pray that everything will get better,pray for both yourself and your family.Seperate yourself by mentally seperating yourself from the stress,but not your family.Hating them will only make it worse for you in the future.You have to try to find peace of mind within yourself and remember that 2 years comes quick and that day will come that you will finally be on your own.When it does arrive,you don’t want pain and guilt along with your new found freedom.Write to express and release as often as possible and pray, and God will show you the way.I’ll be praying for you too.I really hope you can find the strength,peace & happiness that you seek.In due time it will come.Your parents/family may not change-but you can,for the better.In the midst of the darkness you can find the light.
What you want might make you cry & what you need might pass you by if you don’t catch it.What you need ironicly may turn out what you want to be,if you just let it. ~ Lauryn HIll
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