Substance Abuse & Addiction Assessments
Substance Abuse & Addiction Assessments
Darren Gates~~Do you do things sometimes that you regret almost immediately, yet find yourself doing it over and over again, each time promising yourself ‘never again’? Are these behavior cycles simply the result of bad habits, or are they symptoms of addiction or a behavior disorder that may need professional treatment to overcome? Answer these Yes/No questions to help you learn the symptoms and warning signs of a number of behavior health issues and help you figure out if you or someone you love is suffering from them.The following substance abuse and behaviorial assessments (surveys) are included with this app:1) Alcoholism (Short Form) (SMAST)Is your drinking considered normal, by you and others, or do you think you may be alcoholic? This quick assessment is based on the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST), one tests used by doctors and counselors to determine if a person is an addict.2) Alcoholism (MAST)Is your drinking considered normal, by you and others, or do you think you may be alcoholic? This quick assessment is based on the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), and is designed to give you an effective screening for lifetime alcohol-related problems and alcoholism.3) Drug Abuse (DAST)Take this quick Drug Abuse Self Test (DAST) to learn more about the patterns of drug abuse and help you determine whether or not you may have a drug abuse problem. These questions are used by the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center.4) Drug AddictionTake this quick assessment to learn more about the signs that drug abuse has progressed into drug addiction and help you determine whether or not you may have a drug addiction problem.5) Internet AddictAre you on the internet every minute you can? Do you turn down social activities because you would rather be online? Do you spend too much time at work surfing? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of internet addiction.6) Cell Phone AddictTake this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of cell phone addiction and help you determine whether or not you may be a cellular addict.7) Compulsive GamblerGambling is addictive if it interferes with a person’s day-to-day life. Many behaviors, like gambling, can become as addictive as a substance. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of compulsive gambling and help you determine if you may have a problem that could lead to a gambling addiction. Adapted from Gambler’s Anonymous Twenty Questions.8) Compulsive ShopperIs your closet full of clothes you’ve never worn? Is your makeup drawer or jewelry box overflowing? Do you find it impossible to buy just one or two CDs at a time? Does the phrase ‘Shop til you drop’ describe you to a tee? Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of compulsive shopping and help you determine if you may have a problem that could lead to a shopping addiction.9) General Addiction SymptomsAddiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the general symptoms of addiction and help you determine whether or not you may be addicted to some substance or behavior.10) Ready to Lose WeightDid you know that being ready to lose weight is an important factor in losing weight successfully? When you are prepared in all areas of your life (emotional, mental, physical) losing weight is easier and you will be more successful. Take this quiz to see if you’re ready now.11) Diet PlanRun this Diet Plan Assessment to learn what a good diet plan will include. Better yet, run it with a specific plan in mind to avoid wasting a lot of time trying different plans. You can lose weight by choosing a plan that works that you can live on!
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